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Easy World Freebies

Here's a selection of fun files to enhance your enjoyment of Easy World.

All we ask in return is your name and email address for Julia's Rising Thoughts newsletter. You may unsubscribe at any time.

(If you have already subscribed to Julia's email list and want the freebies, just fill in the form anyway—you will NOT receive duplicate mailings as long as you use the same email address.)

Complete the form below and the links on this page will be activated.

Easy World Posters


Special Report

The Eight Inner Lies That May Be Keeping You From A Life of Joy & Fulfillment (Exerpted from Julia's book, Choosing Easy World)

Easy World Business Cards

click image for PDF that prints 10 to a page

Be an ambassador for Easy World! Print out these 3.5" x 2" "business" cards to pass out as you move through your days and encounter people with whom you would like to share Easy World. Imagine how much more peaceful and happy life on Planet Earth will be when everyone knows they can choose Easy World!

These are formatted to be printed on Avery business card sheets (10 cards per sheet with sidemargins of 0.75", top margin 0.5" with horizontal and vertical gaps of 0") that perforate that are available for both laser and inkjet printers.  But you can print them on plain 8.5" x 11" card stock or even plain paper and just cut them apart. While they are spiffier in color, they look just fine in black and white as well. Be sure your printer is printing the PDF at 100%.

Have fun spreading the news about the amazing reality where everything is easy!

Easy World Tickets

Click on the ticket to load a PDF you can print or save to your computer.

prints 3 to a page

Easy World Holidays

Click a poster to load a PDF you can print or save to your computer.


Easy World Posters

Click a poster to load a PDF you can print or save to your computer.




Easy World Wallpaper

The following image works great for wallpaper. Select the link for the size that best fits your monitor's resolution, right-click the image after it loads, then select "Set as Background."

800 x 600 | 1024 x 786 | 1280 x 1024 | 1600 x 1200

Easy World in Motion Screensaver

Download and run the file linked below to add an Easy World choice to your list of screensavers.


Stay in the loop—get on Julia's list!
